Loving the 80's

I Love meet and greet parking is celebrating the 1980's with a unique donation to Red Nose Day. On Wednesday 13th March and for every customer departing that day, I Love meet and greet parking will donate the difference between today's price of parking and the price back in 1984.
Sarah Anglim, managing director of I Love meet and greet parking, explains: "1984 was a very special year for me; I was part of the team which started the first ever meet and greet parking company at Gatwick airport. So we wanted to celebrate the 1980s and donate to this great charitable event at the same time."
I Love meet and greet parking has paid tribute to the 1980s with a short film starring one of the most famous 80s icons; the Volkswagen Golf. With staff dressed in 1980s costumes using some vintage props, this 'back-to-the-future' themed video shows how some things have changed over the past 29 years.
Sarah adds, "With my team's pedigree in the parking industry and our love of the 80's, we felt it was fun to launch our 1980s film in the week leading up to Red Nose Day. As parking professionals we all work hard to keep our customers satisfied and this film shows that we know how to have a good time too!"