Latest News

Check out our latest news here for updates on service, airport schemes and new operational systems and anything else that may affect your journey to and from Gatwick and Stansted airports.


Gatwick Introduces forecourt charges

Gatwick has become the latest airport to introduce charges for all members of the public who use their forecourts at the North or South Terminal. From March 8th onwards, everyone will be charged to drop off or pick up passengers outside of the airport's terminals. This will be a minimum of £5. Please read more to understand how this will affect you. To pay your charge click here


Gatwick Airport scraps the Approved Airport Scheme

As Gatwick introduces its new money making scheme to charge people to use the forecourt it has also decided to scrap the Approved operator scheme introduced in 2013 to protect the customers of Gatwick from rogue traders. Read more how this affects I love meet and greet

Stansted Raises Forecourt Access Fee for second time in less than 12 months

Stansted raised its airprot access fee in April 2020 from £3.50 to £5 per tranaction only to see it raised again in November to £7 per tranasction. One asks what justification the airport has for doing this during the terrible period of COVID other than a money making exercise - certainly not to encourage travellers to the airport - Read More

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